Hey welcome to my site! I hope you enjoy it! This site is dedicated to The Charmed Ones. Prue Halliwell, Piper Halliwel, Pheobe Halliwell and their long lost half sister Paige Matthews-Halliwell. So I hope you have fun here! Love, Megan
Prue Halliwell-The oldest sister, She died at the end of Season 3, she had the power to move things with her mind and she could astral project herself to different places.
Piper Halliwell-The middles sister now the oldest, Piper has the power to freeze time and in Season 3 she devolped the power to blow things up.
Phoebe Halliwell-The youngest sister now the middle child, She has the power of premintions and in Season 3 she got the power to leivate.
Paige Matthews-Halliwell-The youngest sister now, Prue, Piper, and Phoebe never new that Paige had exsist untill after Prue died. See Paige was givin up by the girls' mother when she was just a baby. The reason why Patty (thier mother) gave her up was because she had an affair with her whitelighter which is against the rules, Patty therefore got pregant with Paige. Paige has powers like Prue did only they're a little different, Prue could move things with her mind and Paige calls a random item and it orbs into her this is because she is half whitelighter, Paige can also orb herself to different places.